
Schools in Vizag worth considering

If you are also like us then you also believe that education is about nourishing the body as well as the brain. Most private schools in Vizag are unfortunately without any play ground. A few schools have started using nearby government spaces for providing physical exercise. However, the vast majority are still robot factories that turn children into machines rather than thinking and caring individuals. Until this changes, we will still vote for the schools of yesteryear that had playgrounds. Timpany, Visakha Valley, SFS, St. Aloysius, St. Joseph’s and Kotak Salesian still have recreational space for their students.

A few corporate schools like Oakridge and Sri Prakash have campuses with good infrastructure for recreation but they are quite far away from the city center.

Of course, most of the government schools have lots of open space for playing but unfortunately neither the school administration nor the government is spending any money on the necessary infrastructure. One exception is the ZPHS in Chandrampalem, Madhurawada. The sports infrastructure that they possess puts most established private schools to shame.

Did we miss some school? Please let us know in the comments below.